In today’s world, man and machines are complementary to each other. A man’s routine is directly or indirectly dependent on computer. So, it is very essential to have a healthy and fast running computer system to maintain consistency in work. Absence of security program creates lots of technical disabilities. To have an efficient and fast running system, it is necessary to install and update antivirus security software. Antivirus is a security application program that safeguards our system against malicious activities of rouge application codes, such as virus and malwares. It is very essential to perform time to time update of antivirus security software to avoid techFeatures
Different antivirus software, such as Kaspersky, Norton, AVG etc. have different update procedures. You must be aware of all the policies and procedures to select best antivirus security software for your system. Update of antivirus can be done in two ways. One of the ways is automatic update using Internet connectivity and other way is manual update. In case of automatic update, antivirus is updated automatically as you connect your computer to the Internet. It will prompt you to update particular antivirus security program that is installed at your system. The other method of antivirus
update are-
• Antivirus updates using option: Antivirus software provides an option to update antivirus security when subscription is about to end. Antivirus software asks you to update your security program through the options available in it. This method of antivirus update is used when auto update of antivirus is
• Antivirus updates using authorized website: Antivirus software can be updated using company site. For example, if you are using AVG or Avira antivirus security software then, visit to website of that company and look for download options. Download and install the updated version of antivirus security software from there and remove the previously installed antivirus using control panel.
If you really want to update antivirus security software manually for example, Avira antivirus, then you need to consider the steps mentioned below-
STEP 1- Download and install latest version of Avira antivirus security software and save it to desktop.
STEP 2- Copy the downloaded setup and paste it to potable storage device such as USB.
STEP 3-Insert the USB drive to your PC without using internet connection
STEP 4-Run the Antivirus setup and got to update option and select manual update.
STEP 5-Select the downloaded antivirus file from the USB and click on “open”.
Update your antivirus security software using internet connection.
If you still feel uncomfortable with the above mentioned update procedure, it is recommended to access services of certified technical support organizations. Their technicians will guide you to update antivirus securitynical disorders.
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